Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Tomorrow I start heading home. A two day trip with a 20 hour layover in Johannesburg. Should be able to get a night's sleep and be a tourist for a half day.

Yesterday I had 8 people show up at my afternoon lecture. A new world record. At first only interns would come to the lectures. Then a couple COSMOS (Community Service Medical Officers) started coming. And yesterday one of the senior medical officers appeared. Too bad that I have to leave now that I'm on a roll.

Today there was a shortage of consultants to get the first cases of the day started. So, I deputized myself and helped one of the medical officers start anesthesia on a 3 month old for a VP shunt. Then I went out to the orthopedic hospital to help. Broken humeruses and elbows seem to be the diseases of the week.

Tonight the volunteers are getting together for dinner at a local restaurant, Ebony. Ebony and Ivory. Does anyone have tickets for a Michael Jackson show? I haven't heard any news about him or Paris Hilton for 2 1/2 weeks. I am officially out of the loop.

1 comment:

  1. You are out of the loop. Good lax game last night between SU and Cornell. SU won but Cornell looked strong.
    Can't wait to hear all your travel stories and see some pictures.
    Safe journey.
