Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Three Days

After being here a week I am adjusting to a different rhythm of life. There are three kinds of days: Water days, Power days, and Power & Water days. Yesterday was a Power day. Today we had both Power and Water. Everything at the hospital worked. At least till the suction failed in the afternoon. The anesthesia machines are brand new Ohmeda S/5's, but the probes fail quite regularly. There are sometimes extras around if a room is not being used. Sometimes not.

Part of my day is spent on ICU rounds. Several tragic trauma cases. Relatively young people involved in accidents at places 2-4 hours away. Poor prognosis for what look to me like non-life threatening injuries.

Next weekend I hope to see the ocean. It will mean renting a car and driving a standard transmission from the right side of the car. The local traditional healers are alleged to be throwing bloody carcasses into the ocean at Port St. John's. This seems to attract sharks. Who have attacked two surfers this year. Statistically, I think I will be safe swimming. There have only been two attacks so far this year. And they have been in deeper water. On the other hand it will be even safer on the beach. Port St. John has a small artists' colony so that is another reason to go. Or, I could go to a traditional village and sleep in one of the round houses with a thatched roof. Either choice looks good.

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