Thursday, October 14, 2010


Sorry that no pictures have shown up. I've spent way to much time trying to get them attached. Four different competers at 3 different sites and I still can't get it to work. Pictures will have to wait till I get home next week.

Three of the other volunteers and myself went to the Drakensberg Mountains over the weekend. We drove 15 Km on a dirt road to the South African border post where the road was only open for 4 wheel drive. We crossed the border before an 8 Km walk up to Sani Pass. For those 8 Km we were in no man's land since the Lesotho border post was at the top of the pass at 9800 ft. It was more excercise than any of us had had in a while. Fortunately the highest pub in Africa was nearby and we could get some lunch and a beer. The pictures that I will post later tell a better story.

Last night all the volunteers had dinner at Jennie McConnachie's. She and her husband helped found the African Medical Mission almost 30 years ago. Besides providing housing for volunteer medical workers, the AMM also runs a health clinic, pre-school, and a craft workshop at Itipini, a shanty town built in an abandoned dump. If you google "Itipini" there is a wealth of information. Anyway, since it was my last week here I received a beautiful green AMM shirt. It's hard to believe I have been here almost two weeks.

Tonight one of the doctors at the Bedford Hospital, an orthopedic surgeon from Cuba, has invited us to dinner. Spicy Caribbean food, South African wine and good company should make for a good evening.

On Saturday I leave for Addo elephant park. Maybe I'll have better luck with photos by then.

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